Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Living with Psoriasis: Breaking Free of Your Emotional Prison

By Dr. Jerry Bagel

Recent studies have shown there is a 50% increase frequency of depression in psoriatics compared to non-psoriatics. Psoriatics are also treated for depression 71% more than non-psoriatics.
Mostly, psoriatics feel embarrassed or self-conscious about the appearance of psoriasis plaques. 

While today, the general public has a pretty good understanding of psoriasis, it wasn’t always like this. Patients who are now middle-aged and older often tell our staff stories of being ridiculed throughout their childhoods. They were not able to play with other kids because their parents thought their skin condition was contagious. Imagine never being able to attend a public pool because of the appearance of your psoriasis. 

These experiences have lasting effects on the psyche and having psoriasis as an adult is often seen as a difficult burden as well. Some psoriatics report high anxiety and even suicidal thoughts. Their suffering is prolonged because of the chronic nature of the disease—decades upon decades of dealing with outbreaks. Adult patients often slip into an emotional cycle—stress triggers psoriasis outbreaks and then the patient becomes even more worried about their appearance. This may keep them from seeking relationships, getting exercise and generally enjoying hobbies that people without psoriasis might take for granted. 

But there are many reasons for psoriatics to be optimistic. With so many treatments and ways to alter your lifestyle to reduce flare ups, you don’t have to imprison yourself. 

Seek treatment from an experienced dermatologist. Most obviously, patients shouldn’t wait for psoriasis to go away on its own. If you lessen the appearance and chance of flare-ups, the better you will feel, physically and emotionally. One study conducted by the manufacturers of Enbrel shows depression improves over a 12 week period as the psoriasis improves. It’s important to see a dermatologist with substantial psoriasis experience who can help find the treatment that is right for you. Windsor Dermatology regularly offers clinical trials to help deliver the most cutting-edge treatment for psoriasis available. 

Reduce stress. Sometimes the chaos of life is unavoidable but there are small steps you can take to ensure you are lessening the chances of a psoriasis outbreak. Try to get more sleep, don’t take on any extra responsibilities and think about integrating meditation or yoga into your routine. 

Take the healthy route. It’s easy to binge on junk food when you are feeling bad about yourself, but the best thing for psoriasis is to stick to a diet comprised of lots of fruits and vegetables, lean meats and fish. Limit your sugar and alcohol intake, as well as fatty and processed foods. Staying committed to this diet can vastly improve your psoriasis, as well as your overall health, emotional well-being and longevity. 

These lifestyle changes take effort, but if you find yourself fed up with feeling trapped by your psoriasis, it’s time to take action against it. You don’t have to just give into it. Let the professionals at the Psoriasis Treatment Center of Central New Jersey help you customize a plan that works for you. Call us today at (609) 443-4500.

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Bagel! Such an empathetic professional in his field!
