Friday, September 13, 2013

Scary Skin Stories for Your Friday the 13th

By Teresa Zawada

You don’t believe in superstition…so that mirror you just broke because you walked into your house with an open umbrella after the neighbor’s black cat ran past you has left no mark on your day—right? Especially not if your wedding day is approaching! 

 Despite the fact that I strongly recommend ALL brides to conclude every grooming ritual at least one week prior to their big day, some still feel that getting primed and prepped the day before their event is best. Although this may work on an ordinary occasion, the stress in dealing with a wedding can sensitize your skin without you even knowing it, which in turn, can lead to major complications.  

Let’s consider the following scary scenarios: 

Bleaching Burns

You’ve decided to bleach unsightly hairs on your upper lip and chin.  It felt OK, maybe a little more tingly than usual, but then three hours later, red blotches are starting to emerge.  It appears that you have tiny chemical burns, and the initial time following your bleaching session does not make things better.  What to do?  

A burn is a burn, no matter how you slice it. Skin is damaged and needs to heal. To accelerate this process, calm the area with cool water, better yet, cool coconut water.  Apply it as a compress until inflammation begins to subside. Next, apply Avene Cicalfate on top of the burnt areas.  Cicalfate is a fragrance, colorant, and preservative-free antibacterial/anti-fungal restorative cream, that, in my experience, has worked wonders for skin healing.  I use it after EVERY procedure I perform to assure an optimal environment for skin healing. The best part is it in not a steroid, and there’s no limit to how many times you can apply it!

P.S.  This same protocol can be used if you decided that waxing eyebrows should be put off as well, and along with the hair, some skin came off.  Keep the area moist with the coconut water and Cicalfate to assure less discoloration once the area is healed.

Blemish Blunders

You wake up in the morning, the sun is shining, and it’s a beautiful day!  You shuffle over to the mirror and the mother of all blemishes on your chin is making you feel more like the wicked witch than a wedding day princess!

Step 1:  Yell, scream, do what you have to vocally.
Step 2:  Relax…it’s there…screaming won’t help!
Step 3:  Don’t pick. Instead, you may end up with a weeping blemish that will turn crusty under makeup.
Step 4:  Assess the time. Hopefully you’ve gotten up with time to spare on your wedding day.
Step 5:  Call the dermatologist. You may be able to come in ASAP for a cortisone shot that will greatly reduce swelling within hours.  If you can get an appointment, the day is saved! If not, proceed to step six.
Step 6:  Make sure you stay hydrated so that your body can eliminate toxins. Then, reach for an OTC cortisone cream that can help reduce the size and redness of your new worst enemy.
Step 7:  Resist the urge to pick again, and let your makeup artist work her magic.

Puffy Princess

You had your rehearsal dinner at the hottest new Sushi restaurant, but after a night of salty sushi, soy sauce, and sake, your skin is dehydrated, while your eyes are retaining water, giving you that ever-so-sexy “puffy look.”

This remedy could be simpler than you thought.  Again, get hydrated! Remember that coconut water? Drink it this time! The electrolytes in coconut will replenish your body without the sugar and artificial ingredients of sports drinks. While sipping on one of nature’s miracles, take a cucumber and a potato, grate equal amounts of them, mix them together, and then place like a mask on your swollen peepers. Leave the mix on for about 15 minutes, and rinse. The caffeine and potato enzymes will help things along, and when done more frequently, can lighten dark under eye circles. You’re welcome!
So, hopefully, these few scenarios have convinced you to use your time more wisely and leave the day before the big day to deal with more pressing matters, like avoiding that cat, ladder or sidewalk crack!  Happy Friday the 13th!

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