According to the Mayo Clinic, "Hidradenitis Suppurativa" (HS) is a chronic skin condition that features pea-sized to marble sized lumps under the skin.” HS develops when hair follicles become blocked and inflamed causing these lumps to form under the skin. While it’s not known why HS occurs, medical professionals have concluded that several factors contribute to HS including hormones, genetics, cigarette smoking and excess weight.
The Mayo Clinic also states that those who have HS oftentimes suffer in silence due to embarrassment since the painful lumps typically form where skin usually rubs together such as the armpits, groin, between the buttocks and under the breasts. The condition occurs more in young adults and more often in women than men.
“We see hundreds of patients a year with HS but I think many patients do not ask for help given the sometimes embarrassing location of the lesions,” said Dr. Wendy Myers, a board certified dermatologist with Windsor Dermatology. “Since HS is more common in females after the onset of puberty, it’s critical that those affected seek medical assistance so the disease doesn’t create further complications.”
If left untreated, HS can lead to scars and skin changes, restricted movement, obstructed lymph drainage along with social isolation, the Mayo Clinic advises.
According to Dr. Myers, potential treatments for HS are dependent upon the condition’s severity. Treatments can start with topical antibiotics and antibacterial cleansers for milder cases. More complicated cases often require treatment with oral antibiotics. Severe cases may require a surgical consultation for management of fistulas and sinus tracts. More severe cases may also respond to isotretinoin or biologic therapy.
“At Windsor Dermatology, we have experience with all degrees of HS and treatments plans can be individualized based on degree and comorbidities,” added Dr. Myers.
Don’t suffer in silence. If you or someone you know has HS, call Windsor Dermatology to schedule an appointment.